Make A Donation
Your support enables Revels Houston to continue bringing the Revels cultural extravaganza to the Houston arts scene.
Support Revels
We invite you to join the wonderful group of corporations, foundations and individuals who make up our generous donors. Over the years, talented musicians and actors have joined with the chorus to take us on a joyous journey through awakening childhood memories or teaching us about the customs and cultures of others.
Revels is supported by grants from foundations and corporations, ticket sales and by individual donors. Ticket sales account for approximately half of our budget - the remainder is provided by donations. We invite you to help us ensure the future of Revels in Houston.
As a supporter of Revels you…
Enrich the Houston arts scene by bringing quality, multicultural performances to the community.
Help us keep ticket prices to the Christmas Revels affordable for families, despite rising production costs.
Provide in-school performances and audition workshops to underserved students in two HISD elementary schools.
Underwrite a free Community Preview performance of the Christmas Revels for underserved community members.
Make it possible for the Revelry Ensemble to perform at a variety of events throughout the Greater Houston area.
Support the ongoing development of a Revels Spring Festival and other programs that are instrumental in reaching out to the community through music, dance and drama.
Matching Gifts
Double the power of your donation. Does your company match volunteer hours or financial donations of its employees?
If you prefer to mail a check, please click on the button below for our Printable Donor Form.
Under $50
Our Grateful Thanks
$50 to $99
Acknowledgement in the program
$100 to $249
All the above, plus advance ticket notice
$250 to $499
All the above, plus Revels CD
All the above, plus two tickets
All the above, plus two more tickets (total four)
All the above, plus two more tickets (total six)
$5,000 and up
All the above, plus calligraphy by Cari Ferraro